OK | CYBERARTS: Prix Ars Electronica Exhibition

Ars Electronica 2018
Prix Ars Electronica Exhibition
6. – 16. September 2018

Presstetext CyberArts als PDF

(Linz, September 6, 2018) The Prix Ars Electronica is one of the most important awards in the world for creativity and a pioneering spirit in the field of digital media.

Since 1998, the OK in the Upper Austrian Cultural Quarter presents the /CYBERARTS Prix Ars Electronica Exhibition/. The exhibition is considered an international survey show of digital media art. With their shared drive for what is new and often working in interdisciplinary cooperations, the award-winners offer an overview of developments with their works, demonstrating which social dynamics and topics are currently definitive.

BitSoil Popup Tax & Hack Campaign: LarbitsSisters (BE) / Fotocredit: larbitslab / Printversion / Album