Deep Space LIVE: Our home galaxy, the Milky Way

Deep Space LIVE: Our home galaxy, the Milky Way
THU February 18, 2019 / 7 PM – 8 PM

(Linz, February 18, 2019) It is around 13.6 billion years old, has a diameter of up to 200,000 light years and consists of billions and billions of stars which make it visible as a bright band in the sky on dark nights: the Milky Way. Thursday evening, Feburary 21, 2019, Erich Meyer from the Linz Astronomical Community invites you to a fascinating 3D exploration tour of the Milky Way at Deep Space LIVE. Visitors can also inspect Erich Meyer’s huge “All Sky Image” in detail and discover impressive details like remnants of exploded stars or star formation regions. Start is at 7 PM.

Erich Meyer
Erich Meyer is an astrophotographer, enthusiastic amateur astronomer and a long-time member of the Linz Astronomical Society. He has discovered numerous asteroids and, together with a colleague, has been operating a private observatory in Davidschlag since 1979.

Astronomy in Deep Space 8K
The observation of the night sky has fascinated us since time immemorial. In the Deep Space of the Ars Electronica Center, visitors can immerse themselves in the world of astronomy thanks to fantastic wall and floor projections in 16 by 9 meter format, high-resolution photos and time-lapse videos. On the basis of 3D flights through the entire known universe, the indescribable dimensions of the universe are revealed in an undreamt-of way. Using the visualisation software “Uniview”, moon landings, walks on Saturn’s rings and observations of familiar constellations from new perspectives become child’s play.

Deep Space LIVE
The Ars Electronica Center hosts a Deep Space LIVE event every Thursday (except holidays) at 7 PM. Each presentation features ultra-high-definition imagery in 16×9-meter format and is accompanied by expert commentary, entertaining stand-up repartee, or musical improvisation. Whether great works from the history of art, space travel, journeys of discovery in the nano-world or a live concert is what you’ve come to behold, Deep Space LIVE stands for enlightening entertainment amidst breathtaking worlds of imagery. Holders of a valid Museum ticket are admitted free of charge.
Milky Way in Deep Space 8K / Fotocredit: Ars Electronica – Robert Bauernhansl / Erich Meyer / Printversion