Deep Space Weekend for Families

Deep Space Weekend for Families
SAT March 9 & SUN March 10, 2019 / 10:30 AM – 5 PM

(Linz, March 6, 2019) Equipped with 3D glasses on a discovery tour through ancient Rome, exploring the human body layer by layer in the virtual anatomy room of the future or saving the earth from extraterrestrials with full physical effort; at the Deep Space Weekend for Families, Saturday 9 & Sunday 10 March, young and old visitors will get their money’s worth with various special programmes.

The Deep Space program at a glance:

Playing spaces / 10:30 AM & 5 PM

The Deep Space 8K as a game room: Here towers are built in teams, fish are happily hunted or aliens are prevented from landing on earth.

Best of Deep Space 8K for family / 11:00 AM, 12:30 PM and 3:30 PM
A great selection showing the entire spectrum of the Deep Space 8K. There is something for everyone here.

Uniview – 3D journey into the universe for children / 11:30 AM & 2 PM
The visualization software Uniview makes it possible: put on 3D glasses and off you go on an interactive flight from the Earth to the Moon and on to the limits of the universe known to us.

Best of Deep Space 8K / 12 noon
Best of Deep Space 8K: The best Deep Space 8K has to offer! High-resolution images, three-dimensional worlds and interactive experiences – several times a day.

The Human Body for Children / 1 PM
Discovering the human body becomes an impressive experience in Deep Space 8K. Whether organs, musculature, bones, cardiovascular or nervous system: layer by layer the inside of the human being is explored with memorable and vivid 3-D visualizations.

Best of Deep Space 8K & The Universe Within/ 4 PM
Thanks to its echnical possibilities, the Deep Space 8K is transformed into a unique virtual anatomy room of the future. In addition, visitors can experience what other highlights Deep Space has to offer.

Cultural heritage for children / 4:30 PM
The list of art and cultural treasures that can be admired in Deep Space 8K is long: it includes gigapixel images of the Stone Age Venus of Willendorf, the oldest road map in the world, Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa or Benvenuto Cellini’s Saliera. In addition, visitors can expect laser scans of ancient cities or a series of virtual constructions.

The Universe Within & Uniview / 5 PM
From the inside of the human body to distant galaxies – in the Deep Space of the Ars Electronica Center with its 16 x 9 meter wall and floor projections, light years are bridged in just fractions of a second.
Universum Mensch / Fotocredit: / Printversion
Uniview / Fotocredit: Ars Electronica – Martin Hieslmair / Printversion
Spielräume / Fotocredit: Ars Electronica – Robert Bauernhansl / Printversion
Für Familien / Fotocredit: Ars Electronica – Robert Bauernhansl / Printversion