Deep Space LIVE: How Students Want to Reach the Universe

Ars Electronica Center
THU 3.10.2019 / 7 PM – 8 PM

press release as PDF

(Linz, 29.9. 2019) Hot fire tests, barometric height recognition or avionics: The members of the TU Vienna Space Team are united not only by their interest in aviation and aerospace technology but also by their common goal of launching a rocket into space. At Deep Space LIVE, Thursday evening October 3, 2019, Christian Plasounig from the Vienna University of Technology will give an insight into the work of the Space Team. By the way, just a few days ago the group, its members who are engaged in the development of experimental rockets, engines and microsatellites, undertook an attempt in the Black Rock Desert in Nevada to reach a height of 100 km and thus a world record with a self-developed rocket.

TU Vienna Space Team
In the winter of 2010, 10 students interested in aerospace technology joined forces with the aim of designing, building and launching their own rocket. The first awards were already received in summer 2011 at the C’Space event in Paris. In the years that followed, further improvements were made to the rotation stabilization, separation mechanism and on-board computer, and the overall weight of the rockets was reduced. The team currently consists of around 60 members.

Deep Space LIVE
Every Thursday, 7 p.m. (except public holidays), the Ars Electronica Center invites you to a Deep Space LIVE. High-resolution images in 16 by 9 meter format will be combined with expert commentary, entertaining double conferences and musical improvisation. Whether it’s art-historical tracing, space flight, a voyage of discovery into the nanoworld or a LIVE concert – Deep Space LIVE stands for enlightening entertainment amidst impressive visual worlds. Admission costs €3. With a valid museum ticket, the visit is free of charge.
TU Wien Space Team / Fotocredit: Ars Electronica – Robert Bauernhansl / Printversion