Kids’ Culture Week at the Ars Electronica Center

Ars Electronica Center

THU 10.10. – SUN 20.10.2019

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(Linz, 1.10.2019) Programming, experimenting, discovering inveractive game worlds with full physical effort, exploring the the pyramid of Giza in 3D or discovering microorganisms under the microscope: Curtain up for this year’s Kids’ Culture Week, during which the Ars Electronica Center awaits young visitors with a colorful program. Children up to the age of 14 are free to enter the museum, workshop participation costs 2 euros per child. Please register at or 0732.7272.51 up to 1 week before the desired workshop.

The programme at a glance:

Kids’ Research Laboratory / THU 10.10. – SUN 20.10.19 (except MON, 14.10.19) / for children from 4 – 8 years old

Programming, tinkering, making music and drawing are the order of the day in the Kids’ Research Laboratory. Here, the various thematic areas of Ars Electronica can be explored by means of exciting experimental stations.

Kids Culture Deep Space / FRI 11.10., SAT 12.10., SUN 13.10., FRI 18.10., SAT 19.10. and SUN 20.10.2019 / 4:30 PM / for children aged 4 and above

Whether it’s historical sites in 3D, time-lapse videos, images from inside the human body or fun games to join in – the Deep Space with its 16×9 meter wall and floor projections has something for every taste.

Workshop: A lot going on in the moss / SUN 13.10. and SUN 20.10.19, 2 PM / for children from 6 to 10 years old
The microscope takes you on a voyage of discovery into the moss. A lot of micro-organisms cavort in it, which cannot be discovered with the naked eye: From larvae and threadworms to slipper animals and tardigrades.

Workshop: Superbrain & Thinker’s Forehead / SAT 12.10. and SAT 19.10.19, 2 PM / for children from 6 to 10 years old
It has about 1.2 kilograms is electrically charged, constantly collects information and gives a lot of commands: the brain. In Superbrain & Thinker’s Forehead, everything everyone revolves around the structure and functions of the human control center.

Workshop: Supercells / FRI 11.10. and FRI 18.10.19, 2 PM / for children from 6 to 10 years old
Cells represent the smallest units of living beings. Our body alone consists of more than 10,000 billion cells, each of which fulfils a specific function. Children from the age of 6 get to know the structure of these biological chambers of wonder and also learn about all-rounder cells from which even heart and nerve cells can be grown.
Tagtool Projection Mapping / OMAi (AT) / Fotocredit: Ars Electronica – Robert Bauernhansl / Printversion
Kinderforschungslabor Fotocredit: Philipp Greindl / Printversion
Superhirn und Denkerstirn / Fotocredit: Ars Electronica – Robert Bauernhansl / Printversion