Origin – How It All Begins / Ars Electronica Festival 2011

(Linz, May 5, 2011) “Origin – How It All Begins” is the theme of Ars Electronica 2011. It will run from August 31st to September 6th. In cooperation with CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, the festival will be dedicated to the fascinating world of leading-edge research on the basic principles of the cosmos. Ars Electronica is also launching a “festival within the Festival” expressly for youngsters. “Create Your World” is the title of this future festival of the next generation that is meant to inspire young people, to get them interconnected, and simply to encourage them to give some thought to the world of tomorrow, to come up with new ways of configuring life on this part of the planet, and to experimentally implement their innovations. The younger generation also occupies the focal point of a themed conference at this year’s festival. “Social Media and Open Society” will inquire into the sources of social and political renewal. Read more

CERN / ATLAS Particle Collision

Atlas collision event / CERN / Printversion / Image Collection