Science Days: The Workshop of the Future

Science Days: The Workshop of the Future
Saturday & Sunday, March 10-11, 2012 / 10 AM-6 PM / Ars Electronica Center

(Linz, March 7, 2012) Experience how a machine paints Easter eggs, design fantasy worlds with a drawing tablet and print them with an adhesive foil plotter, and create keychain ornaments—the Ars Electronica Center’s Fab(rication)Lab will be the hub of activities during Science Days this coming weekend, March 10-11.

Program overview:

Saturday & Sunday, 10 AM-6 PM in front of the FabLab

Paint an Easter egg without your brush touching the egg? The FabLab’s Egg-Bot lets you do just that! You use a vector graphics program to create your design; the machine does the actual color application.

Sticker Modeler
Saturday & Sunday, 10 AM-6 PM in the Lobby

Visitors design fantasy worlds with a drawing tablet and then produce with an adhesive foil plotter.

Self-Assembling Cube
Saturday & Sunday, 10 AM-6 PM in the Lobby

Something supernatural or an easily explainable phenomenon? By shaking a box, visitors transform six pyramid parts into another form.

Fabrication with Matthew Gardiner (age 16+)
Saturday, 2:30-5:30 PM on the Infodeck (in English!)

Matthew Gardiner, artist and Ars Electronica Futurelab staffer, discusses his artistic work, which combines such disparate disciplines as origami, biomimetics and robotics. Afterwards, he’ll show you how to design a self-assembling cube. We recommend preregistering, either by calling 0732.7272.51 or via e-mail to

Fabulous Fabrication (open workshop)
Saturday & Sunday, 10 AM-6 PM in the FabLab

Fabulous Fabrication showcases the capabilities of the AEC’s FabLab, where you can design your own keychains, buttons or figurines and produce them with a laser cutter. The material fee per piece is 1€.

Real goes digital
Saturday & Sunday, 10 AM-6 PM in the FabLab

Model plastiline figured by hand and watch as your design is uploaded to a 3-D scanner for further digital processing.

High-tech Plastique
(age 16+)
Saturday, 11 AM-12:30 PM; Sunday, 3-4:30 PM in the FabLab

In this workshop, digital geometric forms will be assembled into objects and existing forms modified on a tablet PC. The objects participants create can then be generated on a 3-D printer for a small fee.

pdf press release: Science Days – The Workshop of the Future
Science Days / Carina Hurnaus / Printversion / Album