TECHNO LOG 12: Interface Human – Challenge Machine

TECHNO LOG 12: Interface Human – Challenge Machine

(Linz, May 10, 2012) TECHNO LOG 12 is set for Monday, May 21 at the Ars Electronica Center. “Interface Human – Challenge Machine” is the theme of this one-day in-depth conference. Kicking things off will be keynote speeches by two internationally renowned experts: Dr. Ulrich Eberl, director of innovation communication at Siemens AG, Munich, and Prof. Peter Purkathofer, director of the UID Lab at the Department of Information Science at Vienna University of Technology. TECHNO LOG 12 is being staged jointly by the Ars Electronica Futurelab’s Center for Advances in Digital Entertainment Technologies (CADET) and the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences.

AM Session: Eagerly Awaited Keynote Speeches

Climate change, resource scarcity, mobility—in his keynote address entitled “Future 2050 – Why We Need Intelligent Machines,” Ulrich Eberl will discuss the urgent challenges we will face in the near future and examine the question of the extent to which intelligent machines can help us deal with these problems. Then, in an address entitled “Blind in One Eye–Innovation at the Nexus of Humankind and Technology,” Peter Purgathofer will scrutinize the challenges that designers of new products face—namely, focusing of users’ needs and thereby designing the right features.

PM Session: Addresses by Experts

The afternoon session features four speeches: “User Interfaces in Special Environments: From the Car to the Factory” by Prof. Manfred Tscheligi of the University of Salzburg, “Playing with Realities – From Possibilities to Actualities” by engineer Robert Praxmarer of the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, “Implementing New Technology in Existing Enterprise Processes: The Example of a Surgical Robot” by Dr. Wolfgang Loidl from the Krankenhaus Barmherzige Schwestern, and “Interfaces for the Future – The Nexus of Technology, Business and Creativity” by engineer Roland Haring of the Ars Electronica Futurelab.

Guided Tour of the Ars Electronica Center or Innovation Workshops

In the final time slot, attendees have a choice: taking a highlights tour of the Ars Electronica Center or participating in one of several in-depth innovation workshops having to do with CADET, an R&D project funded by the FFG–Austrian Research Promotion Agency.

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