For Seniors: Everything Out of Control?

For Seniors: Everything Out of Control?
Friday, June 1, 2012 & Friday, June 15, 2012 / 2-3 PM / Ars Electronica Center

(Linz, May 30, 2012) Every first and third Friday of the month, the Ars Electronica Center offers a themed tour designed with seniors in mind. On June 1 & 15, the focus is on the traces we leave behind as we make our accustomed rounds through the internet, and what steps we can take to better protect our personal data online.

Exhibition “Out of Control“

The Ars Electronica Center’s new exhibition demonstrates what exactly is being captured in conjunction with telecommunications data retention and all the interesting information about us that online services like Facebook and Google just happen to be amassing. Exhibition visitors will also find out what steps they can take to protect their privacy. At an array of installations, you can personally experience how simple it is to falsify information or news items on the internet, and marvel at how quickly you can end up in an online dating site.

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