Science Days: Out of Control

Science Days: Out of Control
Saturday & Sunday, June 16-17, 2012 / 10 AM-6 PM / Ars Electronica Center

(Linz, June 15, 2012) At Science Days on June 16-17, 2012, specialists from the Department of Secure Information Systems at the Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences’ Hagenberg Campus will show what information about users is being gathered in conjunction with telecommunications data retention, how users can protect their Smartphone from incursions by undesirables, and how to restore purportedly lost computer information. Tours through the “Out of Control – What the Internet Knows about You” exhibition will demonstrate the steps that Web users can take to protect their private sphere.

Overview of the Science Days program:

Special Tour: Out of Control
Saturday & Sunday, June 16-17, 2012 / 2-3 PM

What measures are necessary to better protect your privacy online? A tour through the “Out of Control” exhibition shows what information government authorities and companies such as Facebook and Google are gathering about internet users.

Workshop: Restoring Lost Data
Saturday & Sunday, June 16-17, 2012 / 2-3:30 PM

Prof. Eckehard Hermann of Hagenberg’s Department of Secure Information Systems shows how easy it is to restore data that was accidently deleted or lost due to a technical defect.

Speech: Telecommunications Data Retention
Saturday, June 16, 2012, 4-5 PM

Since the beginning of April 2012, telecommunications service providers are storing data about the activities of all cell phone and internet users in Austria. Prof. Peter Burgstaller of Hagenberg’s Department of Secure Information Systems explains what sorts of data may and may not be retained.

Speech: Smartphone Security for Dummies
Sunday, June 17, 2012, 4-5 PM

Prof. Robert Kolmhofer of Hagenberg’s Department of Secure Information Systems shows how Smartphone apps can spy on users, and how you can protect yourself from them.

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