The Stars at the Ars Electronica Center

The Stars at the Ars Electronica Center

(Linz, February 26, 2013) The accent is on astronomy this week in the Ars Electronica Center Linz. At the next Deep Space LIVE on Thursday, February 28, 2013, astrophotographer Dietmar Hager will elaborate on the 12 signs of the zodiac and their respective constellations. At a Deep Space LIVE Special on Friday, March 1, 2013, astrophotographer Christoph Kaltseis invites guests to go on a trip to outer space via high-definition images captured by the Hubble Space Telescope. Science Days on the weekend of March 2-3, 2013 will also be dedicated to astronomy. And during CEDIC 2013, the European astrophotography conference being held at the Ars Electronica Center, visitors will have an opportunity to take a close-up look at professional astrophotography equipment in the AEC’s Lobby.

Deep Space LIVE: The Signs of the Zodiac
Tuesday, February 28, 2013 / 8-9 PM

Astrophotographer Dietmar Hager will showcase the 12 signs of the zodiac and spectacular images taken by the ESO and NASA of the constellations associated with them. He’ll also explain why human beings have always been awestruck by the star-filled heavens above.

Deep Space LIVE Special: Expedition into Outer Space
Friday, March 1, 2013 / 7:30 PM

To mark the opening of CEDIC, the Central European Deepsky Imaging Conference, astrophotographer Christoph Kaltseis will screen spectacular high-definition pictures taken by the Hubble Space Telescope and accompany guests on a 3D journey across the universe.

Science Days: Astronomy
Saturday & Sunday, March 2-3, 2013 / 10 AM-6 PM

In addition to fascinating photographs of the night sky, those attending Science Days in Deep Space can behold breathtaking images of the microcosm and macrocosm alike, learn a thing or two about light pollution, and use Uniview, a 3D computer program, to access scientific insights into the universe.

CEDIC 2013
Friday, February 1-Sunday, February 3, 2013

CEDIC, the Central European Deepsky Imaging Conference, is staged every two years. The program includes workshops and speeches both for experts and those who’d like to get an introduction to astrophotography. Please pre-register for CEDIC 2013.

press release “The Stars at the Ars Electronica Center” / PDF

A posting containing background info on CEDIC 2013 and its innitiator Christoph Kaltseis can be found on the Ars Electronica Blog.
Deep Space / Robertba / Printversion / Album