Ausstellung LINZ VERÄNDERT wieder großer Publikumserfolg

LINZ CHANGES Exhibition Continues to Draw Big Crowds!
Urfahr Spring Fair 2013

(Linz, May 3, 2013) This coming Saturday and Saturday are your last chances to visit the LINZ CHANGES exhibition at the Urfahr Spring Fair and take an entertaining and informative look at Upper Austria’s capital city and Linz’s municipal service providers. This year, the substantive focus is on Linz as the region’s cultural center. The fifth edition of LINZ CHANGES is proving to be a visitor magnet once again. The 2013 highlights include jumbo-format, high-definition Linz panorama photos, the always popular Shadowgram installation, and electronic percussion instruments visitors can use to make fabulous creatures break out in song on the big screen.

LINZ CHANGES: Next Installment in Autumn

Your next chance to experience the LINZ CHANGES tent will be at the next Urfahr Fair September 28-October 6, 2013. The exhibits will be all new, highlighting new facets of urban life and new aspects of the city’s municipal services.

A Joint Project of the City of Linz Municipal Enterprises

LINZ CHANGES is being produced jointly by the City of Linz and its municipal services & enterprises: local government agencies, the utilities, the general hospital, the senior center, the concert hall, Ars Electronica, the real estate development corporation, the information & communications technology provider, the Tobacco Processing Plant development corporation, the security patrol, the municipal housing authority, the Design Center management company, the local light railway and the airport. The exhibition’s interactive installations were created by the Ars Electronica Futurelab; the exhibition architecture is the work of ANY:TIME, a Linz firm; Messemanagement Linz GmbH set up the exhibition tent.

press release “LINZ CHANGES Exhibition Continues to Draw Big Crowds!”
Ansichten / Robertba / Printversion / Album
Wir sind Linz / Martin Hieslmair / Printversion / Album
Linz Einsichten – Ansichten / Robertba / Printversion / Album
Linz von oben / Robertba / Printversion / Album
Linz macht Musik / Robertba / Printversion / Album

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