The World in 100 Years – A Journey through the History of the Future

(Linz, June 16, 2010) Our longing to know the future is timeless. Just like our burning desire to co-determine and change the course of events transpiring in this world. The exhibition “The World in 100 Years – A Journey through the History of the Future” pays tribute to some great thinkers and activists who were ahead of their times, men and women who have displayed creativity, courage and resourcefulness in their commitment to a vision of the future. We begin by presenting Albert Robida (FR) and Paul Otlet (BE), two prominent visionaries of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Then we shift the spotlight to contemporary artists and scientists and their NEXT IDEAS. “The World in 100 Years” will run from June 16 to September 19, 2010 at the Ars Electronica Center Linz … Read more

Collector card, 1929

Collector Card, 1929 / Museum für Kommunikation, Bern / Printversion / Album