In der Programmreihe „The New Infinity“ präsentieren die Berliner Festspiele/Immersion in Kooperation mit dem Planetarium Hamburg ab Herbst 2018 neue künstlerische Fulldome-Produktionen.
Marie-Kristin Meier (DE), Adrian Waschmann (DE)

Marie-Kristin Meier (DE)
Marie-Kristin Meier studied musicology and was a research assistant at the ZKM | Center for Art and Media. There she developed and directed projects and festivals in areas where sound, digital media and new technologies meet. She was a visiting lecturer at the Hochschule für Gestaltung (HfG) in Karlsruhe. Since 2017 she has been working for Immersion program of Berliner Festspiele and is responsible for the fulldome project “The New Infinity” as well as the virtual reality project in cooperation with ARTE. She is also a founding member of the Association Institute for Sound & Music whose aim it is to establish a museum dedicated to electronic music and sound art in Berlin.

Adrian Waschmann (DE)
After studying European Studies and Art in Amsterdam and London, Adrian worked on the last two editions of Foreign Affairs and completed an internship in the field of fine arts & film at the House of World Cultures.