Larissa Schwaiger (AT)
Traditional composition and modern music programming: Aren’t these two completely contrary approaches? Not if Larissa Schwaiger, a young composer from Steyr (Upper Austria) is involved. The young artist is designing the Composing LAB in connection with her work as the supervisor of a “Klanginsel” at the Kinderklangwolke 2018. After submitting her project “Ein Spaziergang – ein Filmmusikprojekt” in the u19 category of the Prix Ars Electronica, Ars Electronica and Kuddelmuddel commissioned her to implement these projects.
In this Open Lab at the u19 – CREATE YOUR WORLD Festival, the basics of composition and sound design are taught – and on Sunday, the 9th of September, interested visitors are guided to Kinderklangwolke located at the Donaupark, where musical moods of the Open Lab continued.