Linz AG (AT)
CL-P Compact Line
Approximately two years ago, three innovative Upper Austrian companies joined forces on the initiative of the company fire brigade LINZ AG with the aim of implementing a completely new vehicle and thus following a common vision. The cooperation between Rosenbauer, Kreisel Electric and LINZ AG resulted in a top innovation in the emergency vehicle sector.
In firefighting, the idea of climate protection has long since arrived from a practical point of view. Experts say that fire brigades are already having to move out more and more often because of extreme weather events attributed to climate change. As a result, climate protection is in a certain sense also self-interest for the fire brigades.
What drives LINZ AG?
The initiative of the company fire brigade meets with open doors at LINZ AG. In this project, LINZ AG’s motives are innovative spirit, economy and practicable functionality with an eye on the environment. The project initiators see the climate protection benefit in particular in the potential for imitation.

The highlights of the new emergency vehicle at a glance
European innovation: the first fully equipped tactical fire engine with electric drive in Austria and Europe will be in service in Linz.
A showcase project with potential for imitation: The lighthouse project is suitable for making tomorrow’s clean mobility tangible and visible, pointing out opportunities and bringing new ideas about e-mobility. Furthermore, the fire brigade – in Upper Austria alone the fire brigade has almost 100,000 members – is a great multiplier for e-mobile solutions.
Economy/environmental effect: with the electric drive, the new emergency vehicle will be much cheaper to drive than with conventional drive concepts. The concrete CO2 savings achieved by operating the vehicle will be demonstrated by practical experience. The assumed mileage of 12,000 km per year is expected to save 4.8 t CO2 per year.
Simple operation: The vehicle is very easy to operate with the accelerator/brake system and accelerates excellently – advantages that can be decisive, especially in applications where it has to be quick and every move has to be made.
Utilisable synergies: LINZ AG is fortunate to have a lot of know-how in the field of e-mobility in its own ranks. This applies to the charging infrastructure – an e-charging station is being set up at the fire brigade site FHKW – as well as the operation of electric vehicles as a whole.
Pioneering position: LINZ AG once again underlines its pioneering position in the field of e-mobility with the first all-electric fire-fighting vehicle