Jugend Hackt (AT) & Jugend Hackt (DE)
Jugend Hackt (en: Youth Hacks) displays real-world ways and means of dealing with errors.
In conjunction with this year’s “Error” theme, Jugend Hackt is a setting in which young people, age 8-18, are cordially invited to consider the errors inherent in society and to make mistakes of their own. True to the motto “Improving the world with code,” we’ll offer lots of interesting ways to encounter technology, all of them associated with the same question: What society-changing potential is inherent in the technology and in your heads?

In this Open Lab, participants can build, solder, tinker with and program robots, explore across the technology spectrum, and try out all sorts of devices and apps.
The point of departure: “An error is a discrepancy from what we expect, a deviation from the norm …, but what is the norm and who establishes it?” Accordingly, we’ll be shedding light on festivalgoers’ views of the world and calling social norms into question. This works best with prototypes that can be artistically, creatively deployed—with or without technology.