Digital Communities
“ wants to promote greater transparency in order to sustainably strengthen democratic structures and create a basis of trust between citizens and the government.” (Jury Statement)
In 2012, grew out of discontent with the disconnect between Taiwan’s bureaucratic government and the people of Taiwan, a young democratic country, trying to establish its own identity after centuries of colonial rule. is a decentralized grassroots community that, among other things, utilizes technology in its broadest sense to eliminate information asymmetry, foster independent thinking, create safe spaces, online and offline, for experiments and collaboration.

Contributors of trust in the power of “nobody”. “Ask not why nobody is doing it. You are nobody.” Following this spirit, many open-source projects were made. “Taiwan Environmental Dashboard” calls attention to air quality, “Amis Moe-Dict” fights to revive one of Taiwan’s most widely used native tongue, “Open Political Contribution” and “Voting Guide” inform people before elections.