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Mark Napier / USA
Brucknerhaus, 8.9.02  - 12.9.02, daily 10:00 - 19:00


Prix Ars Electronica 2002: Award of Distinction / Net Vision

Resourcenverteilungen von 185 Staaten in einem interdependenten Welt-System manipuliert werden. A project study on the visualization of the complex and correlating economic, political and social systems of a network-linked global society. ./logicaland is a collective simulation game based on a global world model developed in the ‘70s that has been taken out of its original context and adapted into a participative online game. In rounds of play lasting up to 22 hours, financial and natural net.flag is a flag for the Internet. Through an online flag editor and a database of flag components, net.flag appropriates the visual language of international flags to create a “soft” flag that can be altered by anyone that visits it. The emblems of national identity lose their immutability and become malleable components for this ever-changing flag of the Internet. The resulting flag is both an emblem and a micro territory in its own right; a place for confrontation, assertion, communication and play.

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