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Box 30/70
Sam Auinger / ABruce Odland / USA
Ars Electronica Quarter, 7.9.02  - 12.9.02, daily 10:00 - 21:00


The sound installation Box 30/70 “tunes” the plaza in front of the Ars Electronica Center through subtle transformations of urban soundscapes. An ongoing dialog with the cities of the world. It is based on the concept of resonance tuning, whereby the ambient soundscape is acoustically reproduced in a resonance body. Architecture and traffic flows as well as the social dynamics and significance of a place directly manifest themselves. Box 30/70 is a work-in-progress, an ongoing dialog with the cities of the world.

BOX 30/70 is a production of singuhr – hörgalerie in parochial, Berlin and Siemens Art Program, Munich.
Concept / Composition: Sam Auinger, Bruce Odland. Hardware Design / Container: Gerd Thaller. Container/ Tour: Gernot Wieser. Container / Web design: Daniel Scheffler. Electronics / Software Design: Roland Babl. Electronics: Gerald Schalek. Lichtdesign / Construction: Manfred Fox. Tour: Aron Rynda. Curator / Production coordination: Carsten Seiffarth

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