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electrolobby - kitchen

Brucknerhaus, 8.9.02  - 12.9.02, daily 13:30 - 19:30


The ongoing process of reflection on the UNPLUGGED theme that has been taking place online as a lead-in to the festival materializes on-site and continues at the Kitchen. This venue is not only available for presentations by electrolobby—TransIT Room participants; it also functions as a setting for the exchange of ideas, standpoints, and approaches as well as a forum for discussions by and with the artists of Ars Electronica 2002.

From Sept. 8 from 13.30 to 15.00 and from 18.00 to 19.30.

Participants: Tom Sherman, Detlef Heusinger, Andres Bosshard, Marcus Neustetter, KOP participants, Tonga.Online, David Rokeby, Mike Jensen, Michel Mavros, Birama Diallo, Peter Fend, Azza El-Hassan, Suhair Alzahaby, Alois Kronschläger / ArtNew York and many others.
Andreas Hirsch, Rüdiger Wischenbart