Public information day about European Union funding
Programmes within the FP6—Sixth Framework Programme
2002—2006 as well as the Culture 2000 Programme.
Lectures by experts from the European Commission as
well as by national information points in Austria, and
examples of a best practice EC-funded projects.
Target group: creative industry (museums, science centres, media labs, artists, theatres, content providers)
Sixth Framework Programme 2002 - 2006
General information about the FP6 – preview of possibilities for the cultural industry
With Bernard Smith, European Commission Information Society Directorate-General, Head of Unit D.2. Cultural Heritage Applications
Culture 2000 Programme
General Information – information about the current call
With Sigrid Olbrich-Hiebler, Bundeskanzleramt Kunstsektion, Cultural Contact Point
EC funding Programmes
Experiences and Expectations for Applicants
With Walter Koch, CSC Cultural Service Centre Austria
Best Practice
Report and project presentation of the EC-funded Project 'Realtime and Presence' within the Culture 2000 Programme
With Klaus Nicolai, Referent für Medienkultur der Stadt Dresden
Vera Kockot, Vorsitzende Trans-Media-Akademie Hellerau
The lectures will be in English.
Participation is free, but due to planning reasons we would appreciate if you sent an application via: europa@aec.at
Organised in co-operation with the European Commission, the
Bundeskanzleramt and the Cultural Service Centre Austria.