R. Street
Rita Street: Computer Animation / Visual Effects Jury Member
Rita Street (USA) is Publisher of Animation Magazine and has written about traditional and computer animation for such publications as Variety, Film & Video, Shoot and Cinefex. In 1993 she founded the international organization 'Women In Animation'. It is the first time that she is member of the Computer Animation/Visual Effects jury of Prix Ars Electronica.
Rita Street has observed the development of computer animation during more than ten years. She in convinced that the 21st century would be the era of Animation: Computer animation is changing the way we look at and enjoy our entertainment, but it is also changing the way we look at and enjoy our world. Over the next twenty years, she believes, CG will infiltrate every element of pop culture and even, our everyday lives. We'll see computer animated characters in holographic movies but also on our refrigerators asking us what we want to order from the store and in our operating rooms, helping doctors perform life-saving surgeries.
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