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Museum and Entertainment

Peter Higgins: Interactive Art Jury Member
The focus of Peter Higgins' (GB) work is the development of new interactive interfaces for museums. He has conceived one of the most successful areas in London's Millennium Dome, the Playzone. It is the third time that Peter is member of the Interactive Art Jury of Prix Ars Electronica.
These new interfaces for museums go beyond the ubiquitous electro mechanical and touch screen interfaces, that deliver binary slabs of yes/no responses. With the essential objective to engage the visitor through discovery learning we believe that the cognitive process should be investigated in a more imaginative and memorable way. This involves the development of specialist and appropriate interfaces and the issue of the real time /space/person/object experience. In particular it is vital to understand the implication of this collective real time dynamic that disassociates the process from the domestic or personalised situation.
Higgins has developed the concept of 'Passive Interactivity', originally meant to accommodate large visitor numbers but adopted by now as an intentional participatory dynamic that supports a collaborative public experience. One example is the concept of delivery of data for a large group of people activated by an avatar/navigator. To achieve this, the audience and avatar need to be collectively aware of the context and intellectual objective of an interpretive installation.
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