M. Tribe
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Starry Night 
Mark Tribe: Nominating Expert Net Vision / Net Excellence
At a time when new-media-art was more or less unknown to the mainstream art world, in 1994, Mark Tribe (USA) founded the first platform for this artform on the Internet: rhizome.org. At Prix Ars Electronica, Mark is Nominating Expert for art databases, cultural archives, museums, and reference in the category Net Vision / Net Excellence.
With Rhizome.org, Mark Tribe wanted to create a community to present new media art, to establish a critical dialogue about new media art and to provide access to new media art through an archive. The name of the community says much about it functions: rhizome is the botanical term for a kind of root that extends horizontally underground, connecting plants together in a living network. Mark Tribe himself is artist and entrepreneur. He has been working for the German new media agency Pixelpark in Berlin and founded 'StockObjects', a marketplace for digital objects.
His most recent artwork, a net art project called StarryNight, is an interface for browsing Rhizomeās text library that represents each article as a star in a night sky.
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