Ars Electronica 2002: The 'Updates' Editorial Team
This year's Ars Electronica's 'Update' website is being edited by a team of four editors: Ingrid Fischer-Schreiber (A), Andreas Hirsch (A), Gabriele Hofer (A) and Rüdiger Wischenbart (A/D).
Ingrid Fischer-Schreiber is a translator, editor and online-editor. She is responsible for the coordination and the editing of the catalogues of Festival Ars Electronica (since 1996) and Prix Ars Electronica (since 1992). She has studied French and Chinese in Vienna and Beijing and is working as freelance translator. This year she is member of the curatorial team of Ars Electronica, responsible for the Ars Electronica Symposium. She is writing the Prix and Symposium related updates.
Andreas Hirsch is developer of cultural systems - raconteur d' histoires et metteur en scène - impresario di arte analogica e digitale. He does analysis, design and re-engineering of cultural systems and is working for exhibitions, festivals, shows, cafés and on/offline media environments. He develops concepts, studies, stories and scenarios and works as consultant.
Gabriele Hofer is responsible for Press & Public Relations at Ars Electronica Festival since 1997. She has studied History of Art and Communication Science. She is working for the picture archive of the Austrian national library and is a PhD student at the University of Salzburg and the University of Applied Arts Vienna working on architectural photography. Gabriele is responsible for programme related updates.
Rüdiger Wischenbart is a journalist and consultant. Since 1979, he has been writing on contemporary literature, on media and cultural industries and on politics and identities in Central and Southeast Europe. His recent activities include “visiting scholar” at the New York University and at Stanford University, General Manager of “Austria - Focal Theme at the Frankfurt Book Fair” (1995), (founding) Director of the Department of Applied Cultural Studies at the Donau Universität Krems, and Chief Press Officer and Director of Communication of the Frankfurt Book Fair.

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