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David Rokeby


n-cha(n)t: Golden Nica / Interactive Art

n-cha(n)t by David Rokeby is a networked community of artificial subjective entities provoked by objects or spoken words in their immediate environment to formulate sentences and speak them aloud. At Prix Ars Electronica it has been awarded the Golden Nica in the category 'Interactive Art'.

n-cha(n)t (the title a play on both 'chant' and 'chat') is an interactive computer installation in which seven computers perform voice recognition, free-association and language generation. Tightly focussed microphones listen to words and phrases spoken by people in the immediate vicinity. The computers are linked by a network through which they stimulate each other. The computers speak their stream of association through speakers. The ears on the monitors indicate each computer's state of receptivity. All of the text in the installation is improvised by the computers using extensive knowledge bases and rules of grammar.

Rokeby has achieved international recognition as an artist and seen the technologies which he develops for his work given unique applications by a broad range of arts practitioners and medical scientists.

His best known work, Very Nervous System (1986 - 90) has won a Distinction at Prix Ars Electronica 1991. It uses video cameras, computers, and synthesizers to create an interactive space in which body movements are translated into music. The technology Rokeby developed for this work is widely used by composers, choreographers, musicians, and artists. It is also used in music therapy applications and is currently being tested as an activity enabler for victims of Parkinson's Disease.

Several of his works as Watched and Measured have addressed issues of digital surveillance. Other works engage in a critical examination of the differences between human and artificial intelligence.

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6 comment(s)
Re: n-cha(n)t: Golden Nica / Interactive Art (dinamo h / 2002/7/13 3:18:04 PM)
Re: n-cha(n)t: Golden Nica / Interactive Art (dinamo h / 2002/7/13 3:16:40 PM)
Re: n-cha(n)t: Golden Nica / Interactive Art (dinamo h / 2002/7/13 3:16:06 PM)



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