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It's Alive! 
About the UNPLUGGED Updates 
BotFighters Distinction Net Vision / Net Excellence
BotFighters – a location-based mobile game developed by It's Alive! (S), where you design your robot on the game’s website, then battle against other players out on the streets.
BotFighters by It's Alive! (S) is the world's first location-based mobile game that takes advantage of mobile positioning and lets the users play using a standard GSM phone over SMS.
BotFighters is an action game with a robot theme, and is aimed at hardcore gamers. In the game, the players locate and shoot at each other with their mobile phones out on the streets, and mobile positioning is used to determine whether the users are close enough to each other to be able to hit.
It has been developed by It's Alive, a Swedish provider of pervasive games, founded in February 2000.
On the BotFighters website, the players can upgrade their robots, buy weapons, view highscores and get information on their current mission. The website is used for community building and to create an exciting game atmosphere, but the actual gameplay is carried out on the mobile phone. The phone then becomes the player's radar and weapon device. It’s like playing Quake but in the real world, and it’s the most thrilling game experience you will see on a mobile phone this year.
In the games the player is a part of a continuously ongoing role play adventure, taking place in a virtual world draped over the real physical world. Through the mobile phone and the web the player may interact and build relationships with other players out on the streets. As the player’s physical location will influence how the game evolves, it’s not always easy to tell reality from fiction.
A player joining a pervasive mobile game from It’s Alive will take on a role play character in an ever-evolving adventure. The player can at any time be contacted by the game or attacked by other players in the vicinity and be pulled into the action. The games are a mix between role-play, adventure, action and community, and they use multiple channels such as WAP, SMS, web, voice and also game consoles and TV. The ambition is to create game experiences where it is hard to tell game from reality.

2 comment(s)
Re: BotFighters Distinction Net Vision / Net Excellence (Alex / 2002/9/10 10:43:11 AM)
Re: BotFighters Distinction Net Vision / Net Excellence (Alex / 2002/9/10 10:43:06 AM)