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Independent Media Networks: Plug into Alternative Views

Toni Prug of Indymedia UK speaks about the development and self-understanding of the network of independent media activists.

An update by Andreas Hirsch

Originating around the formation of globalisation critical protests in Seattle in 1999 various independent media initiatives around the world formed, first to provide more accurate information about the protests than the coverage by the corporate media, later on broadening their activities to networks of independent and alternative media organisations and activists.

In his interview Indymedia Britain co-founder and activist Toni Prug - a Croatia-born writer, who applies technology to be self sustainable and to help to have an ongoing process of development with technology tools - gives his personal views about the development of Indymedia, the different forms of this initiative in different countries, the self-understanding and function of counter-media and the importance of organisational development and issues of quality control in activist organisations.

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