english / deutsch

VIVISECTOR: A dance performance by Klaus Obermaier and Chris Haring

The dancer changes the color of his skin, bodies duplicate themselves, dissolve and mutate into negative matter. VIVISECTOR breaks the linearity of movement and in doing so shows the absurdity of momentum.

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Gabriele Hofer - 01.07.2002


Which Africa?

67 percent of all Africans live in cities like Abidjan, Bamako and Dakar. Urban youth culture in these seemingly remote metropolises is aesthetically and culturally plugged in to the global networks and connected to the contemporary music scene.

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Rüdiger Wischenbart - 28.06.2002


Time to get rid of some famous misconceptions: Examples from the UNPLUGGED debate

Set an end to the preconceptions! The discussion around the topic UNPLUGGED at Ars Electronica 2002 could be an opportunity to get rid of some fondly nourished misconceptions about the state of the world we live in. Here are examples for such opportunities drawn from the last few weeks of UNPLUGGED Updates.

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Andreas Hirsch - 25.06.2002


Panic Room: Distinction / Computer Animation/Visual Effects

David Fincher's last film Panic Room shows previously non-existent image worlds. The French company BUF has been awarded a Distinction for these 'flying camera' visual effects in Prix Ars Electronica.

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I. Fischer - 21.06.2002


And the question is: Are YOU plugged or unplugged?

You may ask yourself: am I unplugged or plugged? You may say to yourself: of course I’m plugged, since I’m reading this online! Right? Well, not exactly. The answer is much more difficult and the question essentially one that should lead to dialogue to shed light on the blank spaces on all our mental maps.

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A. Hirsch - 18.06.2002


www.donniedarko.com: Distinction / Net Excellence

The website www.donniedarko.com for Richard Kelly's film is a mini-event in itself. Florian Schmitt and Alexandra Jugovic have been awarded a Distinction in the category 'Net Excellence' for this 'parallel universum.

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I. Fischer - 15.06.2002


TI-92: Golden Nica / u19

The Golden Nica of the Prix Ars Electronica category u19 goes to a work that fully lives up to the subtitle of this category: 'Freestyle Computing': Karola Hummer (19) makes drawings on a standard school pocket calculator using means which were not actually conceived for doing so.

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I. Fischer - 12.06.2002


The Computer Animation/Visual Effects Jury on its Choice

The problem of finding adequate criterias to judge computer animations and visual effects has been the central issue in the work of this year's Prix Ars Electronica jury for Computer Animation / Visual Effects.

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I. Fischer - 10.06.2002


UNPLUGGED: Outside the Global Net?

In one globally connected world, is there some space left beyond those limits? Or are there only small differences in scope, e.g. how powerful are connections and lines between centers and peripheries? On the history, the metaphors and the politics between the 'plugged' and the 'unplugged'.

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Rüdiger Wischenbart - 07.06.2002


Minitasking: Distinction / Net Excellence

Minitasking, a visual Gnutella client, tries to show the network structure and the dynamics of the protocol itself. At Prix Ars Electronica the German group schoenerwissen has been awarded a Distinction in the category 'Net Excellence' for it strangely engaging use of common internet technology.

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I. Fischer - 05.06.2002


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