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Codex Series 
Matt Owens: Nominating Expert Net Vision / Net Excellence
You have begun as a designer for printed media and you have ended up in interactivity? What is so fascinating for you about interactivity? How has your worked changed?
Owens: I have always loved designing in multiple mediums. What I do love about working online is that you self publish your work and people from all over the world can check it out. As for interactivity, it provided multiple reading of your work. You can experience an interactive piece and find something new each time. It is this level of depth that makes interactive experience really engaging for me.
Your firm one9ine is specialized in interactive media, television and print. There has been a lot of talk about this convergence, but it seems it never really gets started ...
Owens: We just finished up a broadcast piece and online piece for Sony electronics for their new sports line that bridges the space between Television and web. This convergence is still very hard to do well because people have skills in specific media. It will take a little more time, but now that marketing, creative and production are talking to each other in industries in general, I think you will see an improvement and an evolution in cross media convergence.
You talk about using your work to explore narrative. What do you mean by this? Why is narrative important?
Owens: Narrative is story telling. Every visual experience tells a story an especially online, how information unfolds defines how the story is experienced. Being aware of how a story unfolds and how design and information combine to make this possible is fundamental to making smart design solutions.
VolumeOne is your 'personal' experimenting site. What are you currently experimenting on?
Owens: I am currently experimenting with combining 3D and flat work to make objects that have a dimensional quality but not the visual look of 3D. I am also trying to figure out how to develop these designs so that I can make large format flat work as well as broadcast work from the same source material.
It is the first time that you are involved in Prix Ars Electronica. Did you follow last year's net category? What is your impression?
Owens: I love all of the work, I think it is a great platform to see new things and especially work that I may not be exposed to here in New York.

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