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Start the dmx-device


dmxAlias:dimm(int channel, int startbright, int endbright, float duration);
int channel: The Channel which should be dimmed
int startbright: Start Brightness of the dimm-sequence
int endbright: End Brightness of the dimm-sequence
float duration: Duration of the dim-sequence

Relative Dimming

dmxAlias:dimm_rel(int channel, int endbright, float duration);
int channel: The Channel which should be dimmed
int endbright: End Brightness of the dimm-sequence
float duration: Duration of the dim-sequence


dmxAlias:swith_to(int channel, int value);
int channel: The Channel which should be switched
int value: The value of the switching


dmxAlias:triangle(int channel, int start, int end, float duration, int count);
int channel: The Channel which should be effected
int start: Start Brightness of the dimm-sequence
int end: End Brightness of the dimm-sequence
float duration: Duration of the dim-sequence
int count: Count for repeditive dimming


dmxAlias:sawtooth(int channel, int start, int end, float duration, int count);
int channel: The Channel which should be effected
int start: Start Brightness of the dimm-sequence
int end: End Brightness of the dimm-sequence
float duration: Duration of the dim-sequence
int count: Count for repeditive dimming

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Volker Christian 2000-10-24