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Integer Multiplication

int calcAlias:itimes(int v1, int v2);
Multiplies the two integers $v_1$ and $v_2$.

Integer Division

int calcAlias:idiv(int v1, int v2);
Divides the two integers $v_1$ and $v_2$, $\frac{v_1}{v_2}$

Integer Modulo

int calcAlias:stop(int v, int m);
Calculates the modulo of $m$ from $v$

Integer Addition

int calcAlias:stop(int v1, int v2);
Adds the two integers $v_1$ and $v_2$.

Integer Subtraction

int calcAlias:isub(int v1, int v2);
Subtracts the integer $v_2$ from $v_1$.

Integer to String conversion

string calcAlias:i2s(int v);
Converts the integer value $v$ into a string.

Integer to Floatingpoint conversion

float calcAlias:i2f(int v);
Converts the integer value $v$ into a float.

Floatingpoint Addition

float calcAlias:fadd(float v1, float v2);
Adds the two floats $v_1$ and $v_2$.

Floatingpoint Subtraction

float calcAlias:fsub(float v1, float v2);
Subtracts the float $v_2$ from $v_1$.

Floatingpoint Multiplication

float calcAlias:ftimes(float v1, float v2);
Multiplies the two floats $v_1$ and $v_2$.

Floatingpoint Division

float calcAlias:fdiv(float v1, float v2);
Divides $v_1$ by $v_2$

Floatingpoint Modulo

float calcAlias:fmod(float v, float m);
Calculates the modulo of $m$ from $v$

Floatingpoint to String conversion

string calcAlias:f2s(float f);
Converts the float $f$ to string.

String Concatenation

string calcAlias:sadd(string s1, string s2);
Concatenates $s_2$ to $s_1$.

String to Integer conversion

int calcAlias:s2i(string s);
Converts the string $s$ into an integer

String to Float conversion

float calcAlias:s2f(string s);
Converts the string $s$ into a float.

The Number $\Pi$

float calcAlias:pi(void);
Returns the number $3.14159\ldots$

Integer Random

int calcAlias:irandom(int p1, int p2);
Returns a random number in the range $[p1, p1+p2]$


float calcAlias:uptime(void);
Returns the uptime of the matrix in seconds.


int calcAlias:get_data_year(void);
Returns the current year.


int calcAlias:get_data_month(void);
Returns the current year.


int calcAlias:get_data_mday(void);
Returns the day in month.


int calcAlias:get_data_wday(void);
Returns the day in week.


int calcAlias:get_data_yday(void);
Returns the day in year.


int calcAlias:get_data_wday(void);
Returns the day in week.


int calcAlias:get_data_min(void);
Returns the actual minute.


int calcAlias:get_data_sec(void);
Returns the actual second.

Triggering a lable

int calcAlias:trigger_lable_insec(string lable, float secs);
Triggers the lable $lable$ in $secs$ seconds.

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Volker Christian 2000-10-24