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Every parameter of an Event can be prefixed by ``^'' to read the value comeing in.

Note On

$[$state1$[\vert$state2$[$...$]$$]$$]$-> midiAlias:NoteOn(int channel, int note, int velocity)
int channel: The Midi-Channel; range: {0, ... 15}
int note: The Midi-Note; range: {0, ... 127}
int velocity: The Velocity; range: {0, ... 127}

Note Off

$[$state1$[\vert$state2$[$...$]$$]$$]$-> midiAlias:NoteOff(int channel, int note, int velocity)
int channel: The Midi-Channel; range: {0, ... 15}
int note: The Midi-Note; range: {0, ... 127}
int velocity: The Velocity; range: {0, ... 127}

Polyphonic Key Pressure

$[$state1$[\vert$state2$[$...$]$$]$$]$-> midiAlias:PKPressure(int channel, int note, int velocity)
int channel: The Midi-Channel; range: {0, ... 15}
int note: The Midi-Note; range: {0, ... 127}
int velocity: The Velocity; range: {0, ... 127}

Control Change

$[$state1$[\vert$state2$[$...$]$$]$$]$-> midiAlias:ContChange(int channel, int controller, int value)
int channel: The Midi-Channel; range: {0, ... 15}
int controller: The Controller; range: {0, ... 127}
int value: The new Controller Value; range: {0, ... 127}

Program Change

$[$state1$[\vert$state2$[$...$]$$]$$]$-> midiAlias:ProgChange(int channel, int prognr)
int channel: The Midi-Channel; range: {0, ... 15}
int prognr: The Program Number; range: {0, ... 127}

Channel Pressure (After Touch)

$[$state1$[\vert$state2$[$...$]$$]$$]$-> midiAlias:ChanPress(int channel, int pressure)
int channel: The Midi-Channel; range: {0, ... 15}
int pressure: The Pressure Value; range: {0, ... 127}

Pitch Wheel Change

$[$state1$[\vert$state2$[$...$]$$]$$]$-> midiAlias:PWChange(int channel, int value)
int channel: The Midi-Channel; range: {0, ... 15}
int value: The Pitch-Wheel Value; range: {0, ... 127}

Song Position Pointer

$[$state1$[\vert$state2$[$...$]$$]$$]$-> midiAlias:SPPointer(int position)
int position: The Position in the Song; range: {0, ... 127}

Song Select

$[$state1$[\vert$state2$[$...$]$$]$$]$-> midiAlias:SongSel(int song)
int song: The Song Number; range: {0, ... 127}

Tune Request

$[$state1$[\vert$state2$[$...$]$$]$$]$-> midiAlias:TuneReq(void)

Send Timeing Clock

$[$state1$[\vert$state2$[$...$]$$]$$]$-> midiAlias:STClock(void)

Start Sequence

$[$state1$[\vert$state2$[$...$]$$]$$]$-> midiAlias:StrtSeq(void)

Stop Sequence

$[$state1$[\vert$state2$[$...$]$$]$$]$-> midiAlias:StopSeq(void)

Continue Sequence

$[$state1$[\vert$state2$[$...$]$$]$$]$-> midiAlias:ContSeq(void)


$[$state1$[\vert$state2$[$...$]$$]$$]$-> midiAlias:Reset(void)

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Volker Christian 2000-10-24