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LIFESCIENCE: Re: cymatics and oscillons

Linz, Austria, September 04 - 09

speer schrieb:

> Wondering if there is anyone out there who can point in the direction pof
> discussion or information on cymatics and oscillons.

hi speer
what is this all about would you explain that for all members on the list

> I justgot a number of
> avis form a lab in chicago that shoes some research on oscillons,,,  I've
> seen some cymatic tape..If anyone isn't familiar with this stuff.. its a
> orderout of chaos..primal life from inanimate matter..

ain4t that what lifescience is all about putting order into chaotic forms through
interpreting it?

>      I havea few movies (avis) of this stuff,  but it's an angle that has
> not been suitably mentioned understoood or investigated,, at least tomy mind..

which movies do you think of?
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