LifeScience Magazine  



July 14, 1999 Human Gene Transferred to Tobacco Plant

"Plants have been used in medical treatments throughout human history, but researchers at the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory are taking a new approach to plants as pharmaceutical components. They are genetically modifying plants to produce human blood proteins and tissue growth agents."
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June 17, 1999 Human Embryo Cloned

"American scientists have cloned the first human embryos, the London Daily Mail reported on Thursday. Using methods similar to those which produce Dolly the cloned sheep at Edinburgh's Roslin Institute, they produced a male embryo comprising nearly 400 cells, according to the British tabloid."
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June 10, 1999 Scientists Code Words into DNA

"Researchers at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York have combined DNA technology with encryption ...In a report in the science journal Nature on Wednesday, researchers described how they used a three-letter code for the English alphabet based on DNA and encoded an encryption key into human DNA."
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June 9, 1999 Tarnkappe aus Zucker

"Mit einer besonders modifizierten Schicht aus Zucker schützen sich Tumorzellen vor der Entdeckung und Zerstörung durch das körpereigene Immunsystem. Wissenschaftlern ist nun die Entschlüsselung der Gen-Sequenz eines für die Zuckerproduktion wichtigen Enzyms gelungen. Die bahnbrechende Entdeckung könnte neue Wege bei der Behandlung von Krebserkrankungen eröffnen. ". mehr darüber