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Re: Wtr: LIFESCIENCE: organic political economic morality

Linz, Austria, September 04 - 09

Trevor schrieb:

> ><< Thema: Re: LIFESCIENCE: organic political economic morality
> > Datum:24.05.99 02:47:31 MEZ
> > From:melinda@subtle.net (melinda rackham)
> > To:lifescience@aec.at
> >
> > >-Any disease which kills its victims is essentially committing suicide!
> >
> >  maybe we dont know how diseases really happen.. as all bodies are
> > continually in a flux of birth life death ...maybe things like heart
> > disease really are "contagious" and can transfer to another host..if they
> > go fast they  doent need patient zero for long. viruses (specally the
> > sensational ones like ebola) are pretty smart like that.. im fascinated
> > that   t now seems that many common  diseases  that were assumed t be
> > discreet to one body  are actually virally caused -like ulcers, cervical
> > cancer etc. (was that list of them posted here or am i getting confused
> > with another list?)  i really believe we have no idea how  disease works in
> > relation to human host symbiosis - what delicate balance exists (obviously
> > too delicate for medial science to detect atm - although i was just reading
> > how the electromegnetic impules of one persons heat are registerd in
> > another persons body with touch and even close proximity..
> > http://www.heartmath.org/ResearchPapers/Touch/Touchsum.html  a healing
> > energy transfer that a lot of alternate medical practices subscribe to ...
> > but was not "measurable" ..so now is measureable and visible..therefore we
> > can say it exists and exerts influence)
> Well, I think it's pretty safe to say our ideas about ANYTHING are pretty
> limited (and almost certain to be at least partially incorrect).
> Personally, I always find it a little encouraging when something appears to
> become measurable (and indeed therefore visible).
> Life can get rather difficult if one continues searching for things that
> don't/can't/won't exist (although of course looking for things that obviously
> do exist gets a bit boring too!).
> As Eugene surely keeps reminding us -the really tricky bit is knowing which
> category to put things in (or if they should be in one at all)!
> >
> > >-The richer (stronger, healthier) a population is, the more money there is
> >to
> > >be earned from them.
> >
> > im sure the pharmecutical companies would be rather upset if we were all
> > well. illness is a business and sick people pay a lot of money to try and
> > get well as they feel morally bound to be so. if they cant afford it other
> > people feel morally bound to pay for treatments for them.
> Nevertheless, I suspect the pharmacutical companies are more active in
> California than Cambodia or in New York than in Nigeria.
> Many people also feel economically bound not to be ill!
> Indeed -the "Human Right" of freedom of speech does seem rather limited
> if not accompanied by the "Rights" of freedom from poverty and ill health.
> > the idea of
> > illness as social resistance doent seem to be very popular currently..gone
> > are the days of the sensitive elegant tubercular poet enjoying  that rest
> > cure in the sanatorium in a remote pristine awe inspiring landscape.. where
> > supposedly diseease "enlightens" one, as nature heals and brings one closer
> > to "god."
> Unfortunately I am cynical enough to believe they possibly prefered
> anti-biotics.
> -until of course the anti-biotics become as dangerous as the illness.
> On the other hand -I must admit I was rather dissapointed when my docter
> did NOT send me to Switzerland the first time I caught a cold.
> Gone too are the days of the sensitive factory worker spitting blood over
> their machines (and ruining a good day's production).
> >
> > >Happy Days! (or Happy Daze?)
> > same thing
> Not in my book!
> trevor
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