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Re: LIFESCIENCE: The Fibro Genesis

Linz, Austria, September 04 - 09
In einer eMail vom 03.06.99 09:16:49 MEZ, schreiben Sie:

<< Thema:	 Re: LIFESCIENCE: The Fibro Genesis
 Datum:	03.06.99 09:16:49 MEZ
 From:	fwild@adbk-nuernberg.de (Faith Wilding)
 To:	lifescience@aec.at
 > Dear Eugene: you wrote:
 > >One of the issues that hasn't yet been brought up (?) in our discussions
 > is how gender figures into the technosciences - >
 this is just to say that gender figures into technoscience in a major way as 
I think we all know. There's lots
 of writing on this already--The Visible Woman, Cyborg Babies, Flesh Machine, 
Haraway's books, etc. It is also a
 concern which is being addressed by some cyberfeminists. I have been working 
on this issue for several years in
 my art (embryoworlds, etc) and in collaboration with others. Subrosa, a 
feminist  production and activist group
 I started, based in Pittsburgh, is doing work on this subject, as are many 
other groups worldwide. I advocate
 organizing open forums for discussions of this topic with scientists and 
doctors attending. So far this list
 seems pretty repetitive and useless to me--a very closed forum. Sorry, just 
my opinion.
 Faith Wilding
 dear faith 
thank for your contribution.
at first, this is no closed forum. you have very interesting things to post 
and a new dimension to this discussion so why did nt you post it before? 
a feminist view towards the lifescience has until now no voice on this forum 
because there was no one to post this position. 
what you adressing is well planned but if there are no scientists 
participating deliberately at that moment maybe you know someone that is 
willing to discuss with us then bring him or her on. so if you know all these 
people let them participate.
it would be very nice if you add another interesting facette to this forum
birgit richard
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