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Re: LIFESCIENCE: Re: art/science?

Linz, Austria, September 04 - 09

>so this is perhaps your personal opinion that aphex twin is only trivial and
>nothing else. this is no matter of marketing but something artistic coming
>out of popular culture, very hard to accept and always put down by artists.

 nah i actually  like aphex the sound, but dont like the clips..specially
the new one with lotsa women in it [the name of which i cant recall.].
which is horridly reminiscent of  that brian de palma clip from some years
ago. sometimes visuals take away from sound for me. as a novice of sound as
a medium, I recently went on an exploratory trip to a performance of
messiaen's turangalila and had to close my eyes for most of it to enjoy it-
perhaps because but i tend to watch rather than listen.

>total misunderstanding: aphex twin and his work is far away from mainstream
>of  popular culture.
  it really depends how you are situated , aphex is pretty commonly known
in certain age/culture demographics, which incidently arent mine, but i
ahve enuff cross strata contact to observe/hear wots happening.

>no i did not mean all things accepted by many people become valuable.
>but on the other hand not everything coming from the hands of an artist are
>automatically valuable.

too true on both counts , i must admit to not actually liking the majority
of "art " that i see, but i also find that i appreciate the "art" in  huge
chrome and prespexed semi-trailers aggressively powering down the highway
withy cutesy girlie decals over the mudflaps,  warm yellow glowing steel
works with naked flame stacks buring against the night sky, or fat black
and white cows grazing below half demolished grey concrete silos in a lush
green country side.

 but my point is that we as a culture tend to accept what is well
marketed..eg cocoacola deosnt taste the best but is the most popular drink
on the planet,  van gough was seen as a loony in his day, and his art is
now a valuable commodity. british beef is great to eat , oops sorry about
the mad cow disease,  that ddt is safe enough  to spay on clidren,  hey
thalodomide is a great soultuion!, lead in petrol gives better performance,
nucelar power is the answer for the future!, how about depo povera,
ultrasound(now causes wierd things inmice), anti-biotics [against life]
-lets kill everything and maybe well fix the problem, transfusions save
lives.. when the imapct of sharing blood products has devestated the lives
of many with HIV and HCV and i would venture there are a whole lot more
diseases as yet unidentified that will come from that practice. lets
explore the moon while half the planet dies of hunger, it goes on endlessly.
consumption/ popularity =/= honourable intent/artistic credability
i said this in the beginning of this forum and id like t say it again that
both science and art are commodities, and they "make it" by maketing, they
are fickle and fashionable.  i may sound  moralistic here..but i really am
concerned for the future of the planet  when i know that "progress' in
science isn't about caring for our future as a race existing o a degraded
planet, but more about serving the economic greed and lust for power of a


melinda rackham
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