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Re: LIFESCIENCE: genes and body

Linz, Austria, September 04 - 09
On 02-Jul-99, PROFRICHAR@aol.com wrote:

>dear trevor
>a lot of people that watched the list without taking part were upset and said

>the  list was boring not sufficient...

Well, it is easy for those that do not participate to complain about those
that do.

I think the relationship art/science is interesting and important -and I
enjoyed Eugene's remarks, with Mellissa's more emotional -and speer's more
factual counterpoints.

>just a simple cause for that the silence of the discussants, maybe i wrote 
>something wrong used the wrong expression i do not know. 
>perhaps you know?

It does appear as if the outcome was fixed before the discussion really
started. The "stars of the show" seem either remakably silent -or remarkably

So it is difficult not to agree with Melissa -that autonomy of professional
practice in art and science has virtually disappeared, and that "public
acceptance" has become both aim and criterium, despite the potentially
dangerous consequences.

As professor of (communication) media you should understand the situation
better than I do.


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