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Re: LIFESCIENCE: Re: art/science?

Linz, Austria, September 04 - 09
Eugene Thacker wrote:

>  The production of knowledge, and also the implementation,
> utilization, dissemination, and application of knowledge. On that
> I think there a numerous crossings, hybridizations, and tensions
> between, say, the life sciences and artistic practice (this year's
> festival & the projects in it is just one example)..

> I think one way is to debate categorally between life and science,
another one is the debate between life science
> and artistic practice. If we have to keep faith to the first (which is
supposed to be the main theme of our
> actual forum) I’m still convinced that the two positions are not
interchangable, although I can admit, under your
> suggestions, Eugene, that sometimes, especially nowadays, the border
is not so neat. See the Festival of Ars
> Electronica, as rightly you mention, or the virtual museum which can
be visited in the same building in Linz.
> If, viceversa, we move into the ground of ‘life science’ and ‘
artistic practice’, where, maybe we are slowly
> slipping under the pressure of my poetical experience, I am willing to
appreciate the use of the term
> ‘hybridation’ (again a McLuhan neologism, he used to employ  about the
possible marriage between the two media
> which could generate a new ‘son’, a new media).
> These paths of hybridations are continuosly practised, of course in
the McLuhan meaning. The artists, generally
> speaking seem to take advantage of the technological developments.
Just to prove that, I’ll refer to Kurt
> Schwitters’ Ursonata. He has chosen the classical structure of the
“sonata” and applied it  to an experimental
> use of the voice. His voice and nothing else.  Today, the same
Ursonata can be perfectly reproduced  by extremely
> sofisticated computers, so you don’t need to hear me performing it,
simply you can hear artificially done, the
> same Ursonata produced thanks to one of the many software about the
> So, at this point, just leaving the terms of this discussion (dialogic
dualism of life/science), and trying to
> enlarge it, I’m going to introduce some new items worth being
discussed, and up to now, left apart.
> As I think that along the process of hybridation, an artist must
aboslutely avoid the so called horrible
> casuality, so he should need to control the instruments he is using,
at least to dominate its language. To do
> that he ought to be supported by the power of his thinking, but today
where is the power of thinking?
> Where is the will of thinking?  I do fear that the french philosopher
Jacques Lacan is right when he was
> theorizing about the  de-potential reduction of thinking.
> This de-expansion of the thinking is closely connected, in my opinion,
to the false concept of globality we have
> today, where everybody speaks a lot of globlal-local micro-macrocosms,
when, to say the truth, there is only a
> false globality round us.
> Enzo

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