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Main IndexRe: LIFESCIENCE: Monsters + Genders
--------------------------------------------------------- ARS ELECTRONICA FESTIVAL 99 LIFESCIENCE Linz, Austria, September 04 - 09 http://www.aec.at/lifescience --------------------------------------------------------- hi eugene good to have you back on the list posting (i) Is there a clear nature/technology demarcation in childbirth? no i think you are absolutely right that the border is totally blurred especially with the things you mentioned network of technologies and institutions (regular visits to a doctor, medical tests, pregnancy classes, changes in diet and lifestyle, what happens to the nature-technology borders when the results of an ultrasound test confirm that a child is "normal" (that is, a biologically natural human being)? very important question you put socially defined norms over a biological creature (ii) Is gender exclusive to reproduction & technology issues? an interesting question but i am not sure if i understood it For example, we might begin by suggesting that gender and sex are fused into a single entity in modern genetics you mean like the ball of Plato that held both sexes? - reducible either to the difference of a single chromosome (X or Y), or, in more complex instances, gendered "behaviors" are speculatively attributed to a network of genes, intracellular processes, and biochemical pathways (the infamous geneticising of homosexuality). that prediction out of genes brings me to another ball: the look into a crystal ball The production of SNP databases (targeting not populations but the individual differences from one human being to another on a genetic level), the promises of "pharmacogenetics" (individually-tailored drugs or gene therapties), show that the enculturated classification of "types" (based on gender, sexuality, ethnicity) will become a useful tool of classification. this sounds very dangerous and mirrors a general tendency in western society, a german writer called: the mainstream of minorities, everything is customized just for one person, before a special treatment you have to have a lot of information about an individuum and after a medical or genetical treatment, this person is surrrounded by a very precise profile in form of data Which brings up the possibility of bizarre hybrids, such as a molecular sexuality, or genetically-anomalous ethnicities. very hard to imagine best birgit richard --------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are subscribed to the English language version of LIFESCIENCE To unsubscribe the English language version send mail to lifescience-en-request@aec.at (message text 'unsubscribe') Send contributions to lifescience@aec.at --------------------------------------------------------------------------