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  --------------------------------------------------------- ARS ELECTRONICA FESTIVAL 99 LIFESCIENCE Linz, Austria, September 04 - 09 http://www.aec.at/lifescience --------------------------------------------------------- >I'm Erwin van de Velde, biochemistry-student in the Netherlands, currently
>doing my final graduation-project at TNO-Leiden. I don't see the connection
>between Art and Science. I think art has more in common with religion than
>with science. Both want to bring up emotions on people and both with mainly
>one goal: money and power (is this the same thing?). I think that has noting
>to do with science. Science is nothing else than unraveling the mysteries of
>life. Please comment this, because I'm curious what you feel about my point
>of view.

well. what a statement. where does one start?
erwin, can i just clarify what it is you're syaing here, to check i fully understand what you mean?

in the contemporary research environment, where corporations regularly fund, and thus direct scientific inquiry, you are really going to state that science is "nothing else than unravelling the mysteries of life"? you don't see any evidence of commercial, bureaucratic and private interests intervening to set political agendas for science and scientific research?

and in this neat equation where science is simply about the pure pursuit of untangling the life's "mysteries", art, is apparently, singularly concerned with the exercise of inciting emotions about "money and power"...? is that right? and is somehow wholly unconnected with the undertaking of probing "the myseries of life" ...?

hmmm. ok. right. i guess its true. i really do live in a parallel universe.

but perhaps you might like to check out:

+ for some different perspectives on this view of art, perhaps start with:

* The PhysicsRooms, Christchurch/New Zealand

* The Australian Network for Art and Technology, Adelaide/Australia

* Art & Science Collaborations,Inc. (ASCI), New York/USA

* Ars Electronica Center, Linz/Austria

* De Balie, Amsterdam/the Netherlands

* C3 - Centre for Culture and Communication, Budapest/Hungary

* Ljudmila - Ljubljana Digital Media Lab, Ljubljana/Slovenia

* Public Netbase t0, Vienna/Austria

* V2_Lab, Rotterdam/the Netherlands

* Dia Center, New York/USA

* Walker Art Center, USA

* New Media Center, London/UK

* De Waag - Society for Old and New Media, Amsterdam/the Netherlands

* ZKM - Zentrum fuer Kunst und Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe/Germany

* Re-Lab Digital Media Lab, Riga/Latvia

* Contemporary Art Organisations of Australia (CAOs), Australia

* FACT - Foundation for Creative Technology, Liverpool/UK

* Backspace Media Lounge, London/UK

* ISEA - Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts, Montreal/Canada

* IDEA: Innovation in Digital & Electronic Arts, Manchester/UK




r a d i o q u a l i a
-> in transit in amsterdam <-


f r e q u e n c y s h i f t i n g p a r a d i g m s
i n s t r e a m i n g a u d i o

adam hyde + honor harger


supported by virtual artists (VA)

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