Carl Michael von Hausswolff / S

Carl Michael von Hausswolff, born 1956. Operating mainly through his companies Radium 226.05 and Anckarström, he has composed music and executed live-installations and performance art during the eighties together with filmmaker Erik Pauser under the group name Phauss and has also completed solo projects. Compositions included *Conductor* (1983), a 23 minute long piece and *Life and Death of Pboc* (1986), both using audiovisual installations as the main instrumental source; *Audiodrome* (1987), an experiment to get a grip on the constitution of the world using aleatoric methods; *Nya Sverige - Nothing but the Truth* (1991), combining the sound of 17 American cities with the experiences of a North American tour and *GodTphauss* (1994), a 70 minute God battling piece using electricity clicks and motors .In the beginning of the nineties he collaborated with Andrew McKenzie and shortly joined The Hafler Trio on their European tour in 1994.

A Lecture On Disturbances in Architecture
O.K Night III