Hidden Worlds

Ars Electronica Center, 7.9 - 12.9, 10.00 - 21.00

The presence of a separate world of digital data and information flows remains hidden from us without the help of technical aids. The Ars Electronica Center’s new exhibit displays aesthetic and sensory observatories for the perception of this parallel reality.
The exhibition focusses on the technology of mixed reality and augmented reality for the production of inter-faces between the real and the virtual, a technology that replicates physically dimensioned and digitally determined “spaces” within one another. Its conception of virtuality as a kind of world of spirits is thoroughly intentional: they lead a life of their own, to which one has access only when one is a medium or has one.

Architecture: Scott Ritter/A/USA
The project is made possible by the generous support of SAP AG .

7.9 - 12.9, daily 10.00 - 21.00

Carnivore Personal Edition
7.9 - 12.9, daily 10.00 - 21.00

7.9 - 12.9, daily 10.00 - 21.00

7.9 - 12.9, daily 10.00 - 21.00

7.9 - 12.9, daily 10.00 - 21.00

The Hidden World of Noise and Voice
7.9 - 12.9, daily 10.00 - 21.00

Tool's Life
7.9 - 12.9, daily 10.00 - 21.00