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Lucky Kitchen

HipHop Worldwide 
Lucky Kitchen: Distinction Digital Musics
The duo Alejandra Salinas and Aeron Bergman (aka Lucky Kitchen) has been awarded a Digital Musics Distinction for two entries: The Tale of Pip, a fairy tale told through sound, and Revisionland, the CD realization of an installation piece. Lucky Kitchen will be on stage in Linz on September 12 with HipHop Worldwide.
Tale of Pip
Pip is a little elf bastard. This tale is originally a book read to children, which just doesn't seem right. So, we physically cut out the words and rewrote the book. Soon, we had a story with a life of its own. Next, we thought this tale should not only be a book, it should be told through sound, in the same way parents communicate to their kids. But this tale should also be illustrated with a story-like audio composition. This composition should include acoustic and digital movements that blend to such a degree that they cancel each other out, becoming a third audio state: organic digital. It works as 'music', and also as the illustration for imagining the events of the tale. The book, hand printed at Extrapool on a Stencil Printing Press, bound using a Communist East German bookbinding sewing machine, and hand glued using a brush, is a further statement towards pushing 'digital' up and down and into an area of Benjamin's 'aura'.
The composition and technique of both the book itself and the CD spring (stem) from our wish to combine old and new ideas into a comprehensible whole. That is, the process takes a conceptual beginning, uses formal printing/computer audio techniques to flesh out the actual details, and finally the presentation is a hybrid state of audio, text, collage, and imagination that is computer, fantasy, real life, and a total lie, like any contemporary tale ought to be.
The *Revisionland* project is layered with several ideas that push and pull at each other. The first idea was of the full size English Garden in the gallery, with mushroom shaped speakers buried in the dirt playing a multi-channel audio work that would blend the reality and fantasy of the site. Next came the revision of the audio piece so it could go out into other listening spaces instead of keeping it tied to the garden. With the slow addition of web specific words and images, as well as future plans to reconstruct the garden, this piece is growing up and out.
Here are the core ideas tugging around the organic digital broth:
Colonialism, foot and mouth (foot in mouth?)
Myth, slipping yet surviving in the cracks.
Complaining, loving and rejoicing. (As seen in the traditional subjects of Celtic Music: 'lament', 'ballad', 'jigs' and 'reels')
The full installation was located in the Changing Room, in Scotland from November to December 2001. The revised audio work will be released as a 12' vinyl record on Bottrop Boy of Germany.

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