Ars Electronica 2003
Festival-Website 2003
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Ars Electronica Center Exhibition

Han Hoogerbrugge / Wiggle:
Flow in a Lift
Flow in a Lift is the porting of Hoogerbrugge and Wiggle’s first interactive music video, “FLOW.” Its visuals and musical phrases change to the users' actions—the music clip conforms to each and every user.

The Net based version Flow has been awarded a Honorary Mention in the category Net Vision / Net Excellence of Prix Ars Electronica 2003 (you find a detailed description of the project in the Prix Ars Electronica Compendium CyberArts 2003, pp 64).
PuppetTool is an experimental animation tool that allows users to generate highly expressive movements unhindered by limits of gravity or elasticity.

Puppettool has been awarded a Honorary Mention in the category Net Vision / Net Excellence of Prix Ars Electronica 2003 (you find a detailed description of the project in the Prix Ars Electronica Compendium CyberArts 2003, pp 72).
Henry Newton-Dunn / Hiroaki Nakano /
James Gibson / Ryota Kuwakubo:
Block Jam
Block Jam is a tangible interface consisting of block like objects used to interact with music. Each block represents a sound, so by simply arranging the blocks users can describe meaningful musical phrases and structures.

Block Jam has been awarded a Honorary Mention in the category Interactive Art of Prix Ars Electronica 2003 (you find a detailed description of the project in the Prix Ars Electronica Compendium CyberArts 2003, pp 116).
Iori Nakai:
Streetscape is an installation that extracts the city in the form of sound and maps, immersing you in everyday scenes. When you trace the white map with a pen, you can hear the real sounds of a city.

Streetscape has been awarded a Honorary Mention in the category Interactive Art of Prix Ars Electronica 2003 (you find a detailed description of the project in the Prix Ars Electronica Compendium CyberArts 2003, pp 114).