



France Cadet (FR)

Perfect domestic pets, perfectly domesticated plants, perfect people? In the genetic engineering of the future, everything will seemingly be possible—but is this what we want? Welcome to the “Brave New World” ...

The “Dog[Lab]01” project is France Cadet’s ironic attempt to point out the dangers of cloning and taking genetic engineering to its limits and beyond. He presents five “dog robots” that display modes of behavior and the external appearance of genetically modified dogs.

The genetic make-up of “Copycat” is half dog and half cat. It is independent and clean, but also affectionate and playful—the perfect pet. “Dolly” is a blend of the genetic material of a dog, a cow and a sheep. A phosphorescent coat is the outstanding feature of “GFP Puppy.” The gene of a green fluorescent protein was built into the genetic code of a dog. “Xenodog” combines the intelligence and social behavior of a pig with characteristics of a dog and the genes of a hairless mouse—a coatless dog! “Jellydoggy” received the genetic endowment of a jellyfish and qualities of a chameleon, which make him adaptable to life in the water.

The Ars Electronica Center shows "Copycat".