

Urban Tapestries


Giles Lane (UK)
Alice Angus (UK)
John Paul Bichard (UK)
Michael Golembewski (UK)
Paul Makepeace (UK)
George Papamarkos (UK)
Sarah Thelwall (UK)
Zoe Sujon (UK)
Daniel Angus (UK)
Huw Jeffries (UK)
Katrina Jungnickel (UK)
Rachel Murphy (UK)
Victoria Peckett (UK)
Nigel Palmer (UK)
James Wilkes (UK)
Nick West (UK)

A project examining the opportunities for bringing together geographical information systems and mobile technologies from the user's perspective.

A software platform makes it possible to input place-related associations and stories in the form of text, images or sounds. The focus is on promoting "public authoring" thanks to a new perception of individual environments and developing communication networks.

Urban Tapestries is led by Giles Lane and Alice Angus
Team: Daniel Angus, John Paul Bichard, Michael Golembewski, Huw Jeffries, Katrina Jungnickel, Paul Makepeace, Rachel Murphy, George Papamarkos, Victoria Peckett, Nigel Palmer, Zoe Sujon, Sarah Thelwall, Nick West, James Wilkes

Proboscis is an artist led creative studio which researches, develops and facilitates innovation, it is led by Alice Angus and Giles Land.

Related links
Urban Tapestries   
Social Tapestries