Ars Electronica 2005
Festival-Website 2005
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'Barbara Siegel Barbara Siegel

A lot of people are so obsessed by the past, they die of it. This is the attitude of the poet who never finds the lost heaven, and it is really the situation of artists who work for a reason that nobody can quite grasp. Except that they might want to reconstruct something of the past. It is that the past for certain has such a hold and such a beauty.
Louise Bourgeois

derelictedATMOSPHERES awakes longings for things past. Impressions of ancient French chateaux offer access to another world full of secrets and arouse the perhaps long-forgotten joy of discovery from the days of ones early childhood.
The visitor to this installation space enters a free-standing cylinder in which he/she is surrounded by a 360° projection of chateaux, some of which are deserted. In the middle of the installation space is a rostrum, the purpose of which is not only to reach the same height as the photographs but also embodies a symbolic height that is meant to transport the visitor away from reality and into other worlds.
The project is an attempt to unify photography and film in the 360° perspective. Through animated images, the panorama comes alive. A door slams shut; the flames in a fireplace flare up; a flock of raven flies past. In addition, the impression is intensified by authentic sounds like the whooshing of the wind and the chirping of crickets that are integrated into the electronic soundscape.
Through the external perspective of the photographer, the chateaux undergo recontextualization. Intercultural boundaries become blurred and ultimately abolished altogether.
Translated from German by Mel Greenwald

Idea / Concept / Photography: Babsi Siegel
Sound Design: Matthias Kranebitter
Multimedia Authoring: Bettina Mayerhofer
Corporate Design / Web Design: Joachim Knoll
Supported by: AV-Stumpfl GmbH, Energie AG, Architektenbüro Kaufmann u Partner, Zaussinger Bau- und Transporte Ges.m.b.H., Zettl GmbH, Höhere Graphische Bundes-Lehr-und Versuchsanstalt, Theodor-Körner-Preis, Landesgalerie Linz, Wiener Städtische